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Two Sisters
Two Sisters
Two Sisters

It was during Covid-19 that Julie and Michelle decided to join forces and embark on a new learning experience. The two sisters found solace in the act of creating and saw the benefits for their mental health, prompting them to share their gifts with others. Julie and Michelle are passionate about empowering others to prioritise self-care and express themselves through art. 

Julie has battled mental illness for most of her life, eventually diagnosed with Bipolar disorder during her darkest moments. The highs and lows of Bipolar disorder led her on a tumultuous journey, but with the diagnosis came understanding and the right balance of medication and support, bringing a sense of peace. Julie slowly rebuilt her life, piece by piece, using her art to reflect her mental health journey.


At 19, Michelle experienced a severe asthma attack that resulted in a catastrophic brain injury. Medical professionals predicted a lifetime in a vegetative state, confined to a nursing home. Despite the odds, over the past 22 years, Michelle has relearned to walk, talk, and eat with the unwavering support of her family and care team, diligently reconstructing her life one step at a time. Today, she serves as a public speaker, sharing her inspiring tale of recovery to instill hope in others and convey the vital message of 'Never Give Up.'

Both Julie and Michelle persist in their fight for a life of dignity and quality despite life's challenges. Their mutual aspiration is to utilise art as a means of both expression and healing for everyone. Through sharing their art with others, the sisters not only find joy but also continue to hone their skills and lead a fulfilling, giving life. They are deeply grateful for the love and care they have received throughout their journey.



"I had been searching for a creative outlet for many years and never quite found one that captured my soul, until I tried Pottery.

Then I fell in Love."


Michelle Newland

"My dream of becoming a teacher seemed far gone after my injury. Today I get to live my dreams through our studio and public speaking."


As our art studio evolved, it became evident that brining another teacher on board would enrich our creative environment. Lisa's abundant expertise made her the perfect addition to our team, inspiring us all with her knowledge and passion for art.

Lisa is an intuitive artist and teacher. She also facilitates Sound Healing and Meditation. She loves working with crystals along with many other energy modalities. Lisa has a lifetime of art experience which dates back to when she was young. She has many photos of her falling asleep with pencils and textures in her hand.  She was most inspired by her high school, art, graphics and ceramics teachers and not forgetting her big sister. All these people have left a deeply profound desire for Lisa to explore and feel what practicing art can do and bring to your life. Creativity and spirituality have saved her life, but that’s a whole other story.


Art for Lisa now is about creating uniquely vibrant and joyous pieces that enable the viewer to experience those feelings and even help them to be inspired. Her strengths are mixed media, spirit art, animal totem art, jewellery making and design, macrame and airbrushing. The passion that teaching brings is a whole different feeling that Lisa loves to chase. 

Lisa Newman


"To see and experience people working through their challenges and create something beautiful is an amazing feeling and humbling to watch."

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